The Essay Writing Competition was successfully conducted at Darshan Academy, Kalka, on November 16, 2024. This event aimed to promote creativity, critical thinking, and effective communication skills among students. The competition focused on the themes of “Meditation” and “Great Personalities.” Participants submitted exceptional essays that 
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Classroom decor can enhance the learning environment by providing inspiration, motivation, and positive reinforcement for students. The decor can serve as a visual reminder of important concepts and values, creating a positive and engaging atmosphere that promotes learning, creativity, and critical thinking.  In a vibrant 
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Dance is the hidden talent of the soul. Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion. The Solo Dance Competition was conducted in Darshan Academy, Partap Gate, Kaithal. It was a remarkable display of talent and creativity. 
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Dance is a fantastic way for children to express themselves, boost their confidence and develop important life skills. It helps in enhancing their self-confidence and self-esteem. Moving ahead in this direction, students of Darshan Academy, Partap Gate, Kaithal participated in “Nach Le Haryana” dance competition 
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Spiritual talks and sessions lead to a positive and supportive learning environment. Keeping this in mind, a Spiritual Talk was organised in Darshan Academy, Pratap Gate, Kaithal, for the teachers on November 2, 2023, on the school premises. The resource person, Mrs. Sunita Arora, enlightened 
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Sports and games enhance social relationships and help strengthen students emotionally and mentally.  Darshan Academy, Kaithal,  always encourages students to participate in various games and sports. Daksh Saini of grade VII participated in the 4th Moti Lal Cricket Tournament 2022 organised by M.L.N. Cricket Academy, 
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Haryana State Council for Child Welfare organised a district-level painting competition at Bal Bhawan, Kaithal, where students from various city schools participated enthusiastically. Kritika Saini, of Grade 5 of Darshan Academy, Partap Gate, Kaithal, got 4th position in the competition based on the theme The 
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Serving others empower people to put their talents into action for a good purpose, bringing them fulfillment as they meet others’ needs. Darshan Academy, Partap Gate, Kaithal, celebrated Love and Service Week from September 8 to September 13, 2022, on the birth anniversary of Sant 
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Three professional training workshops for teachers, trainers and heads focused on teaching the spiritual curriculum at different grade levels. They were organised online by Darshan Education Foundation to empower the teachers and enhance student learning. Darshan Academy staff from all over India participated in the 
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Darshan Education Foundation hosted a three-day National Workshop for Heads and Senior Coordinators of Darshan Academies on June 23, 24 and 25, 2022. The leadership workshop covered various topics, such as understanding the responsibilities of school leaders enshrined in the National Education Policy 2020 and 
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" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."