Our Vision

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

The world-renowned, distinguished scientist and spiritual Master Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj established Darshan Education Foundation.

He named the schools “Darshan Academy” after the great spiritual Master Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj (1921-1989), whose life was devoted to service, love for all, nonviolence, truthfulness, humility, compassion, peace, and human unity.

In the dedication ceremony for the opening of the Academy, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj said, “Sant Darshan Singh Ji laid great emphasis on education. He always wished that each of us become a universal human being. A homogenous individual is a well-rounded, sincere person, who also excels in all spheres of life.”

Sant Darshan Singh Ji has said, ‘We have a spiritual side and an intellectual and a physical side. We achieve a harmonious blending of all these, when we become a fully integrated human being; then our own full potential is realized. Then, the inner energy is released. This brings about the maximum benefit to ourselves and to the world around us.’ This is the principal rationale for the Darshan Academy curriculum, which focuses on ethical and spiritual development along with formal education.

Darshan Education Foundation believes each child is a unique individual with a variety of talents and learning needs. Students are trained for life to be high achievers and good human beings. They learn goal-setting, time-management and selfless-service habits. Students develop resourcefulness and flexibility through which they can master and use new and rapidly changing fields of knowledge and technology. They are encouraged to see themselves as citizens of a global community whose prosperity and well-being depend on harmony and co-operation.