Birthdays of saints are celebrated to honour and remember their lives. They are recognised for their exemplary faith, dedication, and service to God and humanity. Darshan Academy, Partap Gate, Kaithal celebrated the birthday of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj for an entire week as Kirpal 
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Let’s join hands to make our contribution towards zero hunger.   Only some of the privileged ones have access to the plethora of dine-in options available today. Darshan Academy, Kaithal,  has taken a small step towards addressing the issue of hunger by starting its own 
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Community service is unpaid work performed by a person or group of people for the benefit and betterment of their community.  It can be done in various forms, like giving money, food, clothes, etc.  Darshan Academy always takes the initiative to do community service in 
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Birthdays are always special; they give us a special feeling to start a new year with new hopes, enthusiasm and zeal. Darshan Academy, Pratap Gate, Kaithal, celebrated Rajinder Week of Meditation and Peace on the birthday of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj from September 15 
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Every year, World Health Day is observed on April 7 to promote awareness of people’s general health and well-being. This year’s theme is ‘Our Planet, Our Health’. Students of Darshan Academy, Partap Gate Kaithal, celebrated this day by making posters and writing quotations on making 
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Darshan Academy, Partap Gate, Kaithal celebrated Kirpal Week of Loving Kindness to honour the birthday of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji from January 31, 2022, to February 06, 2022. Enthusiastic Darshanites made birthday cards and posters, performed acts of kindness and coloured pictures. The principal motivated 
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The ebullient Darshanites of Darshan Academy, Partap Gate, Kaithal organised a cleanliness rally on December 27, 2021, to bring awareness to the importance of cleanliness. The class teacher brought out the best in all the students, evidenced by their excitement as they eagerly participated during 
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Darshan Academy, Kaithal visited an Old Age Home on December 28, 2020, and distributed eatables there. They tried hard to share their pains by spending some quality time with them. 
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" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."